Sculpture Exercise

During class my professor told everyone in class to gather 30 objects. The objects could be anything, except easy enough to carry.

Here are some of the objects I collected:

  1. Pen
  2. Marker 
  3. Hand Sanitizer
  4. Plastic water bottle 
  5. Brown shopping bag 
  6. Lens cap
  7. Instruction manual 
  8. Coffee cup 
  9. Eye glass case 
  10. Spoon
  11. Broom
  12. Dust broom 
  13. Wood block 
  14. Door stopper
  15. Long nail 
  16. Beer jug
  17. Short nail 
  18. Nut/bolt 
  19. Clay figurine 
  20. Mirror piece 
  21. Welding glove
  22. Yard Stick 
  23. Styrofoam block
  24. Metal cylinder 
We had to put these objects into three distinct and easy to read categories.

The whole purpose of the project was to focus on the objects first and not the categories as opposed to looking for the categories first and then the objects.

It ties into the new project we are assigned. We are creating a performance piece and we have to think of the performance first rather than the sculpture.